MJ Fleming

Review of My Only Sunshine

So I cannot tell you in words how excited I am to have well respected booker tuber Murphy Napier review the book. Murphy did narrate the book, however I think its important to note that she was paid for her narration and that there is no continued link between the success of My Only Sunshine and her payment structure. Please copy and paste the link into your accounts to share, I think people would genuinely enjoy her channel, I know I have.

I’m not going to lie to you I cried when I saw this, tears of joy. I have gotten so much support from friends and family but to also have validation from someone who reads upwards of 10 books a month and reviews books like all the time, this was huge! I have seen a sudden growth in sales and had no idea where it was coming from … this is it. I’ll also link another clip down below, this is the recap from what she’s read in May, My Only Sunshine is towards the end but she does add a bit more that is not in this video.

Please condor subscribing to her channel, she has been a wonderful resource and her reviews both positive and negative are very helpful.

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