MJ Fleming

She got all shrinky with me

So I went to see a psychologist yesterday.  I am a shrink virgin, so you can imagine my trepidation.  She did a good job all in all trying to make me feel as though she wasn’t trying to get into my head.  But let’s be honest, she tried to get into my head.
I went to see her because I have had a hard time recently dealing with the stresses of my new role as mommy dearest.  It seems that I can do it all, employee, wife, lover, friend, cook, maid, sister, daughter ect but the addition of mom has just pushed me over the edge.  I’m a “ball of nerves” as my husband stated and I recognized that my normal regular self has gone by the wayside 50% of the time and it has been replaced by a stressed out, anxious, annoyed, emotional nutcase. 
I do not want to be medicated, which would be easy to accomplish by the way and would not require a weekly visit with a person who wants to talk about my feelings.  So in lieu of medication, my alternative is the shrink.
I would say all in all it wasn’t a bad visit, it was unfortunately very stereotypical of what I thought a visit to a psychologist would be.
She wanted to get to the root of my issues, not talk about my current situation.  How else will she keep me in therapy for 30 years to pay for her boat :). 
I know full well the root of my issues, I have a difficult time dealing with emotion because I grew up with a mother who swung from severe cases of mania to severe boughts of depression.  I am a stressed out anxious nutcase because I feel like I have to do it all and if I can’t do it all and be perfect then someone will figure out that I’m not perfect and they won’t want me anymore.  If my son sees how freaked out I am by being his mother and having him depend on me for everything he might figure out that I don’t know what I’m doing and treat me the way I treat my parents with cool indifference.
See??? I am very introspective, I know my issues, I don’t need help with those.  I need help with how to get out of this rut of behavior that has my husband shaking his head and not wanting to be around me.  I need to fix it before it negatively impacts my kid and he somehow grows up with either a nervous disorder or a general feeling of enui because his mother can’t keep her shit together.
I am going to keep seeing the psychologist for a month, I’ll give her that and see where she takes some of this.  I acknowledge that I have some issues, no one who gets to the age of 30 doesn’t.  So I don’t feel bad for taking some time to work on them and hopefully figure out some better coping methods. 
All in all I think part of my problem is I never get a break, I am never not his mother, which sounds terrible but its true.  I rarely do anything that doesn’t involve the child or the house or my husband or some combination of all three.  I probably need 1 night or afternoon every couple of weeks to do nothing but just be with myself, to stroll through the mall or read a book in a resteraunt.  Sounds like a good plan to me but not always a possibility.  Of course then I feel selfish for needing that time because my husband never gets it either.  I don’t think he’s been out with just his friends since the baby was born.  He’s been working or traveling or building us a house or hanging curtains in the house.  He’s on the go just as much as I am and sometimes more.
It’s a balance I suppose, one that we haven’t quite figured out yet.  Some days I feel great, some days I want to crawl out of my skin. 
I am making this statement though, I will find a way to better manage my emotions and the people that my emotions affect.  I will not allow this to continue on for much longer as the stresses being caused are more trouble than they are worth. 

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