MJ Fleming

How To Write A Book or Anything For That Matter …

“I always wanted to write a book.”

Since taking on this journey of self publishing, I was surprised at how many times I have heard that sentiment. I truly thought I was in the minority on that one. I big reason for me why I didn’t write anything sooner was I felt it was futile. That even if I got published the chances that a publishing house would want to take me on was slim. An unknown, first time author, with no social media followers to speak of tend to be not very appealing to them. I didn’t know what an independent author was, click to learn more in this series;

So if it wasn’t going to be published and consequently read. What was the point?

The point is to do it. To do it so that your family sees it, to do it to feel accomplishment in something you have always wanted to do. The first step to writing a book isn’t outlining (very important we’ll talk about that one next). It’s deciding to write it. It’s sitting in a chair for 3 hours staring at a wall thinking of scenarios in your head and jotting down notes and then crossing those notes out. It’s dedicating a portion of your day and your mind’s thoughts to that book. To what you want the characters to become and what should they go through to get there?

2-pages a day, minimum will keep you going on a steady stream, get up early, stay up late. Whatever it is but 2 pages a day will keep you on the right track. You have to start writing though, right now, stop reading, open Word and go ….

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