From The Ashes … Nanowrimo Day 3
It’s day three, day freaking three of writing at least 1,671 words per day to total out 50,000 by the end of the month which is how many I need to be done with Part 2. All of my text messages start with “book question” because otherwise people are going to start thinking I’m torturing children in my basement. My google searches now auto populate Murder for M and Torture for T.
We are deep in it, people, deep in it. My head feels like its going to explode with all the different story lines that I have gone down and then abandoned. Is this still the most amazing thing I have done, hell yes. It’s day three there are 27 days to go. This is a call to arms for all you Nano’s out there. If you are feeling discouraged already because its Monday and you have no idea how you will write today. You will. Sleep is for the weak. Writers gotta write. You got this. And all the other corny motivational bs that we tell each other.
Taylor’s journey at this moment is confusing and hopefully from the ashes of this first draft will arise an entertaining story.
I’m going to go set my kid up with some painting stuff in the tub so she’s contained and write what I”m supposed to be writing. Good Luck!!