MJ Fleming

Do Polygamists Have the Answers?

TLC’s Sister Wives delves into modern day polygamy, think HBO’s Big Love but in real life.  If you haven’t watched either of these shows I would strongly suggest you do.  Basically its the original roots of Mormonism.  And while the Mormon’s will tell you that they abhor polygamy that’s like the Christian’s saying they abhor burning people at the stake.  Its part of their religion its in its roots, best to accept and let live.
But I digress, is it possible that the polygamists have figured it out?  By “it” I mean life, happiness, family whatever it is for you.  This guy Kody has four wives, one with fertility issues, one from a divorce with three children of her own, one who for whatever reason doesn’t particularly like him at the moment and one who appears to be the female version of her husband meaning she would rather be working than caring for her children, but hey that’s what you have three other wives for right?
This guy has problems, like your husband dealing with you times four.  I’m a pretty laid back wife but even my husband would tell you another three of me might be a bit much.
I was watching the show the other night and Kody was talking about life and how he would rather live his.  Right now he is dealing with his wife with the fertility problems.  She is reserved about the entire situation, but he said something poignant.  he said and I’m paraphrasing “I think the regrets people have in their lives are from not doing something rather than making mistakes. I would rather make mistakes and learn from those than regret something I never tried.”  Sounds like he’s got it figure out to me.
Whether or not you agree with his lifestyle or his religion you’ve got to admit chances are your biggest regrets were things not done or roads not traveled.  When if you had made a mistake at least you could say that you gave it a shot and it didn’t work out.
I want to die knowing that I made more mistakes than I have regrets.  Hell this blog may end up being a mistake, but at least I will have put in the time and effort to find that out.

I made the mistake of insisting we buy our Siberian Husky and it was really hard at first but I love her and she’s easier than the baby :).  I regret that I never put more effort into becoming an author and then life happened and I’m staring down the barrel of 30 without a published book.  

What mistakes have you made that you are happy you did and what regrets do you have because you never tried?

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